10 Goals for July & ABC of Happiness

First and foremost, I am ashamed to admit I’ve never been a huge goal maker. I know that writing goals down, and making them SMART is the key to success and to staying on track. I don’t know why I’ve never been much of a goal maker person when I already know how beneficial it can be. It holds you accountable and puts your mind in check. When you make distinct goals and write them down, you are most likely to achieve them by some large percent. I see it in study after study mentioned on various newsletters and health magazines I read. So why haven’t I been making SMART written goals for myself? I think I’m scared. Actually, yes, I am scared. I’m afraid of making it so official. I have no idea why, but I am pretty sure this feeling is fear. I have to get over it though. I’ve been making goals in my head, which aren’t necessarily specific enough, and I never end up achieving them. I forget about what the goal was. I don’t feel accountable and don’t feel pressured to achieve those goals. I’d make a goal to lose 5 lbs and never achieve it, until 3 months later I’m wondering “why have I only lost 2 lbs?” well lady, probably because you haven’t written your goals down and kept slipping up with the diet. Truth.

Since I’ve started making mental goals, I haven’t really done much to achieve them. I always tell myself to take it easy, that there’s no rush, but then I get in a slump and I feel bad for myself and feel depressive because I am still where I was and haven’t achieved any of the mental goals I have set for myself. I know it’s because I forget about them until it’s farther down the line and that’s why none of those goals can be mentally checked off yet still. So this month, I’m going to do it differently. And believe me when I say this — I am literally terrified of making these goals visible and written out. So official. Set in stone. I’m scared. I’m scared I will fail and feel horrible about myself. But this is what I need to do in order to continue moving forward. Although I have gone far in my healthy living journey, there is a lot of room for improvement, specifically in the portion control department and eating more balanced meals. I’ve been on a sugar rush (natural, mind you) and I think I’ve gotten a little addicted to sugar in the last few weeks. As you might have noticed from my WIAW posts, most of the foods I have been eating were sweet – full of fruit, yogurt, etc. I have a very minimal amount of added sugars however it’s still too many to be able to be considered healthy. I have to balance the sweetness out with more savory foods.

So that was a very long introduction to the main point of the post. I was influenced to write these by the way, because of Yellow Haired Girl, who has been setting goals for herself and I found it to be an awesome practice that I wanted to borrow. πŸ™‚ So thanks, girly! Β Here are my written out, SMART goals for the month of July:

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Marvelous in my Monday #2

The Whole World: A Novel

Hello everyone! We’ve had such gorgeous hot weather over in Chicago. It’s marvelous. It’s my favorite type of weather, I love warmth and I was outside a lot. I can only handle it a little at a time though but it was marvelous to be able to go outside to the park and read while soaking up some sun rays. Such a wonderful feeling.

I found a pretty interesting book that I’ve been reading recently, “The Whole World” by Emily Winslow. I’ve been sucked in and I can’t stop reading. It’s very interesting, it’s about two American female college students over in Cambridge and a boy. The three get really close, two of them get into a situation that got pretty intimate, however the girl freaked out and got sick right in front of the guy and ran away from him in embarrassment. Then the guy goes missing and no one knows where he is and what happened. There is a lot of complexity and twists and turns, but not too many to make the read exhausting. It’s a great happy medium of suspense and curiosity. I recommend it. I’m only halfway done but so far so good. I’m still anxiously awaiting my turn in line for Fifty Shades of Grey at my library. Ahh!

Then I also received two packages today, which was marvelous because I freaking LOVE getting packages πŸ™‚ It makes me happy. One of the things I got was an all-natural superfood 30 day weight management system called iChoice. I got a good deal on this system on Groupon so I decided to give it a try. I researched the heck out of it and it doesn’t sound harmful. It’s all about getting all the nutrients your body needs. It’s not a weight LOSS program, it’s a weight management program, which sounds better. Plus it’s stimulant-free. I don’t deal well with stimulants (I drink decaf..) so this sounded like a good deal. We’ll see how it goes and how I like it.

June is a huge month for summer festivals in Chicago. I went to my first festival of the year yesterday. It was the Old Town Art Fair and it was fun looking at all of the marvelous art as well as watching the Beatles’ cover band play (and they were SO good! They even looked like The Beatles!) After the fair, my roommate and I went to Big Bowl and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the restaurant is all about being organic, all-natural, and sustainable. I had no idea! Plus they had a delicious $6 seasonal sangria! The seasonal fruit of the day were strawberries.. mmmm!

Oh yeah, make sure you follow me on Instagram if you use one πŸ™‚ @xokammie

Oh and keep the Nimble/QuickieChick giveaway entries coming! The giveaway ends in 3 days!!

Losing control because of trigger foods


I lost control a little bit. I fell off the wagon the past two days pretty bad. I overate yesterday and today by a lot, unfortunately. While it’s not as bad as I used to have it, it’s still not pleasant and disappointing. However, I am not disappointed in myself as much as I used to be. I am only human. I have to remember that I am in control of my life and my habits.


I figured out what My current trigger food is that led me to fall off: nut butter and honey. The combination together actually. Of course, sugar. Of course. Which just shows me how good of an idea it is to try to reduce sugar intake as much as possible from my life. While it might be hard, I can clearly see sugar is the culprit behind my failures and the temptation. I feel like once I have that combo, everything else falls out the window. I don’t know if it’s because it tastes so freaking good or if it’s because it’s so much sugar but it does it for me. It’s been hard to be in control ever since that first bite yesterday.

I’ve messed up countless times in my life but I can see the reason behind it. I think writing about it will help me regain control. I hope so. I will always appreciate any tips about regaining control from you guys too! This is what I always struggle with the most. Its not saying no to bad foods. It’s when I eat the wrong thing and it causes a small loss of control, the difficulty is always at the point where I regain back the control I lost and reset my mind back to thinking about all healthy and smart and portions.


PS. I was searching some inspiration for staying fit and on track and stumbled upon some pro ana blogs. Really sad. It really makes me sad to see these girls posting their daily food diaries in which they burn more calories than they eat. One girl’s calorie deficit was -1950. Crazy. I feel sad and I hope they get help 😦 I would not want to ever be in that situation and I feel for everyone who has had to go through that, I know it’s very common. While I have had an ED-NOS it’s not as extreme as anorexia or bulimia.


Marvelous in My Monday #1: Fitbit Love

One of my favorite bloggers, Katie, over at Healthy Diva Eats came up with a brand new weekly link up – Marvelous in my Monday – where bloggers share their marvelous happenings. Mondays makes this weekly post not only an alliteration, it also combats the “Monday Blahs” that some people might go through. I personally don’t go through those because Mondays are my off days and I love them hehe πŸ˜›

If you follow me on Twitter and/or Instagram, you might have seen me tweet this picture:

Besides the new Maxim, I was super excited because I finally got the FitBit Ultra!Β I sold some college books back and I thought the price (after the Amazon sellback money I got) was enough for me to pay to get it. I was super excited. I’ll have a fuller report on it once I use it longer, cause I’ve only been using it two days so far. But wow, is this little gadget motivating?! Seriously.

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What is Kefir? Why is it a wonderful health food?

Today I made a trip to Starfruit Cafe, a local frozen kefir chain in Chicago. It’s my favorite frozen treat place, I am pretty much a regular and they know me by name there haha, that’s how often I go there. The only reason is because I love love love kefir. Frozen kefir especially. It tastes like frozen yogurt but is so much healthier. I consider frozen kefir a meal, because of how nutritious it is and high in protein, while I consider frozen yogurt a dessert because it is usually higher in sugar and much lower in protein. I like kefir so much I even did an advertising project on Starfruit Cafe last semester which allowed me to learn quite a bit about kefir’s benefits. And there are many!

Staw-banana frozen kefir with blueberries and raspberries. Mmm

So what are those wonderful properties of kefir, you might ask? Well, let’s do a quick overview!

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Hypnosis for weight loss

The first time I ever tried hypnosis for weight loss was about 4 years ago. I was a junior or senior in high school. I have been a complete believer and supporter of this method ever since. After reading the book about hypnosis and its potential strengths, I was sold. I believed it could help me, since it has apparently helped so many others. I listened to the tracks and followed the plan for listening. I thought I did not change my eating habits at all. I thought I was living life the same way as I always was. Before I know it, I lost 20 pounds. I did not even realize I did. It just melted off. There was no struggle. I have been chubby all my teen years until I listened to hypnosis, reprogrammed my mind and the pounds just literally disappeared. It was effortless. This is why I still come back to hypnosis as a method for weight management/loss. Some programs are better than others. I have tried many programs and there are only a few that have worked for me. Unfortunately, I think the first time works the best and then if you fall off the wagon and something happens and you gain the weight back (Freshman 15 happened for me, eek!), I found it slightly more difficult for the hypnosis to work. It still worked, but since I already knew what the dude was saying to me in the tracks, I felt like I might have not been as into it as I was the first time. Either way, I think it’s a method worth checking out if you are looking to lose some weight or better your eating habits. You have to know that in order for hypnosis to work, you have to whole-heartedly BELIEVE it will work for you. It’s a completely mental thing. It’s all psychological. If you doubt it will work, it won’t. You have to trust it. That’s why I recommend always reading the book the CDs come with. It will prep you up mentally and “sell” you on the idea of self-hypnosis and its effectiveness.

Here’s my list of tried programs:

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