What I Ate Wednesdays #12: Father’s Day

I’ve gotta say, not that much snacking was done on Father’s Day. Sorry Jen. I thought Father’s Day is a perfect day to record my day’s eats though. Any holiday is fun to record the day’s eats. Without further ado, here are my eats that took place on Sunday, Father’s Day.

Peas and Crayons

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Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Pudding Filling and Chocolate Frosting (low calorie!)

Happy Father’s Day!

My dad is a huge fan of cream-based desserts. He loves all of those creamy fattening desserts such as eclairs, but is a sucker for Wuzetka, which is a Polish cake that has chocolate cake layers on top and bottom and in the middle it’s a very thick cream. He always buys that cake when they go grocery shopping in Polish deli stores. My mom hatess it. The cake is so fattening and it doesn’t really even taste all that good when it’s made in a store anyway. The way we remember it, from Poland, was much much better. Especially when it’s homemade.

Well I totally went off track. I’m not even making this cake for Father’s day. I don’t think my culinary experience is high enough to tackle this just yet. One day though, I might. A healthier version, of course. So for today, the cupcakes I made (of course it’s cupcakes, of course, haha) were inspired by Wuzetka.

It’s a deep chocolate cupcake with a homemade vanilla pudding filling and a chocolate frosting. While this dessert looks and tastes completely sinful, it really isn’t! Healthy chocolate frosting tastes just as good as the butter laden one, if not better, and it definitely makes you feel better about eating it guitlessly. The delicious creamy pudding filling is a wonderful contrast to the deep chocolatey cupcake. The outcome is simply wonderful.

Not one person could tell this cupcake had such incredible stats. A cupcake that has 4g of sugar? And only 120 calories for such an amazingly sinful-tasting treat! How’s that for “indulge without the bulge”?!

Now this is my take on a cream dessert – make cupcakes, and make them healthy ๐Ÿ™‚

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What I Ate Wednesdays #7: Mother’s Day

Documenting my day’s eats that took place on Mother’s Day. Don’t judge me. I realize I’m supposed to eat more veggies and I DO eat veggies, I swear… just for some reason, it hasn’t been on the day I select for WIAW documenting haha. It’s a special day, gimme a break ๐Ÿ˜›

Thank you to lovely Jenn from Peas & Crayons for hosting yet another WIAW party. Wednesdays have truly become days I look forward to all week – just because of her. So thank you!

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Happy Mother’s Day – Chocolate Red Wine Cupcakes with Red Wine Buttercream Frosting

First of all, I’d like to wish every mother out there Happy Mother’s Day! I know you put so much work and effort into raising your children and I want to say a big thank you, for putting up with us throughout the years! Also, I wish happiness to all of the women out there that want to be mothers or were going to be mothers.. sometimes things happen, but it’s the feeling! You still get to celebrate mother’s day! Thank you for being you! You are all wonderful women, inside and out!ย This post is dedicated to my own mother, Renata. I love her so much. I seriously don’t know what I would do without her. I can’t imagine life without her – she’s a dear friend and a wonderful mother.

So then, I wanted to make her something special. While we all try to be healthy, we take some days “off” and celebrate with non-healthy options, unfortunately. I guess it’s okay to indulge sometimes though, right? Still better than buying completely processed foods! Even if your own baked good or dessert isn’t the healthiest, at least you know exactly what goes in it – because you are the one that made it! So I got to thinking… my mother loves to drink red wine. I love to make cupcakes as a celebration (because they are just so cute and fun!) so why not combine the two? That’s exactly what I did.

I did not come up with these recipes – I didn’t even want to try to change these recipes up, I’m not experienced enough to do that just yet. So they haven’t been changed from the original. The outcome is wonderful. It is perfect for any red wine drinker!

The cake part tastes primarily of chocolate, with a nice deep flavor, but finishes with a subtle wine flavor kick. It leaves a wine taste in your mouth. Together with the red wine buttercream frosting, the wine flavors are even more pronounced and create a deliciously sinful dessert – a chocolate red wine cupcake with red wine buttercream frosting. It tastes just as elegant as it sounds.

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Chocolate PB&J Cupcakes (vegan)

My roommate is graduating and moving out! So sad ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Although I’ve only known her for a semester, I know I’m going to miss her so much. She was a great roommate and an awesome friend – we all hung out together all the time and had a blast.

I noticed that she is all about Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches. She eats them basically everyday. So I thought, why not make her cupcakes? I’m looking for opportunities to bake for others so I can get rid of all of the AP flour and granulated processed sugar I have. I don’t want to use it for myself since I’ve shifted toward more wholesome and cleaner foods. So this was a perfect opportunity.

The cupcakes are actually, accidentally, vegan! My first time making vegan cupcakes and they turned out much different than I expected. The texture was different from a regular cupcake but none of the flavor was sacrificed. The cupcake is a perfect combination of peanut butter and jelly flavors along with deep chocolate. The cupcake part is much more moist and soft than I expected but that makes this dessert taste even more sinful – delicious delight. Good thing I didn’t make a lot cause otherwise I would definitely have had more than one.

CONGRATULATIONS to my gorgeous roommate, Joline! She will knock em dead in DC! I know it.

Side note: Have you entered my giveaway to win a box of PROBAR Fruition Superfood Snacks?? Well do it! There’s still time! ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading

Carrot Cupcakes with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting

Happy Easter everyone! Whether you celebrate it or not, I hope your day is filled with happiness!ย I have no idea how American Easters go, since I grew up in Poland and our traditions are different when it comes to holidays like that. But whatever it is you do, I hope you enjoy it! This is how our Easter breakfast looked like: I didn’t touch the meat though, not exactly my thing. Especially since I started reading The Kind Diet last night, meat isn’t looking super favorable right now.

I was debating on either making a carrot cake or cupcakes yesterday. You can see which choice I ended up making. Typical. I just like cupcakes too much.

Thankfully, these are a healthier alternative to your regular carrot cupcakes. Plus, today was actually the first time I actually enjoyed eating a carrot (cup)cake. I wasn’t a fan of carrot cake before. But then again, I guess taste preferences change over time. Apparently, our taste preferences change every 7 years or so. This fun fact has proven true in my own experience – I used to hate spinach and mushrooms as a kid, but now I love them. I used to hate fish, not I love sushi and fish! Those are just the examples I usually go for, but there have been many more similar taste changes I’ve experienced.

Anyway, I hope your day is filled with joy! It seems like a beautiful day out in Chicago.

Definitely going to be taking advantage of that today with my parents.

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Hard Cider Cinnamon Cupcakes with Dulce de Leche filling and Cinnamon Buttercream Frosting

Ahhh, today was most definitely a cheat day. I have been waiting for this day all week! I can’t say my cheat days are always on Thursdays, I don’t keep a definite schedule, but whenever I feel like it’s okay to indulge, I will do so. I refuse to live a restrictive lifestyle, that is no way to live. Not to mention is that not livable for the long-term. So indulge, my friends, indulge! My mom came to visit me in the city today and it was pretty exciting because she has never seen my apartment since I’ve moved in. I’m always the one to come home to the suburbs so she has never my place. It’s a dorm but it’s an apartment so it’s nice. She liked it. She also helped with today’s baking extravaganza. It was great. It’s really helpful to have an extra set of hands especially since I don’t have a stand mixer and it’s a drag to fill piping bags with frosting by myself. It can get messy. Oh, she also surprised me by buying me a little piping bag set with three different heads! It was so awesome, the cupcakes look better already! Can’t wait to learn some more piping techniques too. In time, my friends.

Anyway, as you could see from my recent Trader Joe’s shopping trip, I bought a 6 pack of hard cider. I thought I should use it creatively and bake with it as well. Screw the fact that it’s not the season for cider baking. I wanted a hard cider cupcake and I was gonna make some, darn it! I also love doing cupcakes with fillings since my Guinness & Bailey’s cupcakes and I find regular non-filling cupcakes boring. I thought dulce de leche would be perfect for a filling for hard cider cupcakes. Who doesn’t love dulce de leche? It’s like heaven on earth. I think dulce de leche is actually BETTER than chocolate. Scratch that, I KNOW it is better than chocolate. It’s just heavenly. Anyways, here’s the recipe. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

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Guinness and Bailey’s Chocolate Cupcakes for St. Patrick’s Day

Wow. Oh my god. I’m going to sound cocky or conceited right now and I don’t care but this is only the second time ever making cupcakes and these babies came out simply PERFECT. Like, I was shocked. Also, I’m on a total sugar high combined with utter excitement and I am pretty much shaking as I’m typing this. This is a pretty exciting day for me. It’s beautiful outside and it’s the last day I’m at my parents’ house. It’s time to go back to the city tomorrow and that means less baking time cause Spring Break is pretty much over. St. Patrick’s Day is on Saturday already and I’ve gotta work at 10am at a bar, so I doubt I’m gonna be making anything fun other than drinking and taking pictures haha. Gotta love St. Paddy’s Day! Speaking of, these cupcakes are perfect for this day. Not only are they made with Bailey’s Irish Cream in the filling AND frosting, the cake is made with stout beer. After yesterday’s frosting failure I was determined to make this one work. It sure did. Happy early St. Patrick’s Day, loves!

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Bailey’s Irish Cream Cupcakes

I’m making two posts in one day, that’s what’s up! This is how you know I’m excited to be a new blogger. Anyways, we bought a big bottle of Bailey’s yesterday at Costco because I knew I wanted to bake some things with it while I was still in the suburbs at my parents’. I found a lovely recipe for Bailey’s Irish Cream Cupcakes on Sweet Tooth‘s blogย . They looked just glorious on there. Let me begin by saying this is the first time I’m baking cupcakes. Haha, yes I am a total noob! I’ve made muffins before though, so that’s kind of close. Anyways, like I said, I’m willing to learn and I’m excited to be learning! Kammie is becoming domesticated. Ha, kinda. Not really. I did enjoy baking quite a bit though. I messed up on the frosting and it did not end up the way it should, I think, mainly because I ran out of powdered sugar and I didn’t have that cool frosting bag you use, so I just used a ziplock bag with a hole in a corner. Might have not came up looking exactly the most beautiful but did they taste GOOD! My dad ate 6 (not like that’s a big achievement for him or anything) and afterwards he came to my room and congratulated me on a job well done. Haha, so yeah, they are pretty delicious! Props to Sweet Tooth for the recipe, for sure.


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