Strawberry Kiwi Quinoa Muffins

The other day, I went ahead and visited a nearby Farmer’s Market. I’ve been dying to check it out from all that you guys talk about how awesome they are – and how much cheaper all of the produce is! Unfortunately, as I talked about yesterday, the prices were not very competitive, they were actually quite a bit higher than I expected them to be. Not horrible of course, but higher than I thought. Plus there wasn’t as much stuff there as I expected to find either.

I did however find some amazingly flavorful organic strawberries. I paid $6 for a pint and I was in heaven – the flavor of these babies was just as good as the strawberries I remember from Poland. So much flavor in every bite, this sweetness, the delicate tartness… oh man, I just love berries. So much!

I had some kiwi left over from my recent grocery trip and I’ve been getting tired of eating them by themselves. So after mixing and matching with ideas and what I’ve seen all around I put all of the stuff I had together, including the unopened box of Quinoa flakes.

Strawberries, kiwi, and quinoa flakes. I bought the quinoa flakes 2 months ago because I found a cool recipe for it. But you know, what else is new, I lost the recipe. So the box has been sitting there unopened ever since. Until now, that is πŸ™‚ When these muffins were baking the whole apartment was filled with the aroma of strawberries and kefir. Such a nice fragnant scent.

I enjoyed a muffin with a glass of strawberry banana protein shake post workout πŸ™‚

Oh no, a strawberry is drowning!

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What I Ate Wednesdays #7: Mother’s Day

Documenting my day’s eats that took place on Mother’s Day. Don’t judge me. I realize I’m supposed to eat more veggies and I DO eat veggies, I swear… just for some reason, it hasn’t been on the day I select for WIAW documenting haha. It’s a special day, gimme a break πŸ˜›

Thank you to lovely Jenn from Peas & Crayons for hosting yet another WIAW party. Wednesdays have truly become days I look forward to all week – just because of her. So thank you!

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Strawberry Banana Bread for Virtual Vegan Potluck

First, I’d like to thank you all for positive comments on my Energy Bar Wars post. I’m really glad you guys found it helpful! I’m planning Β on doing more similar posts in the future! Now, on to the feature of today:

Virtual Vegan Potluck

It’s finally here – virtual vegan potluck day, that is! This awesome event was created by An Unrefined Vegan and includes a variety of different food categories and numerous different bloggers, vegan and nonvegan!

“Bringing vegan food bloggers together to share a virtual potluck, linked by a blog circle – and our love of cooking, eating and sharing. Participating bloggers will post recipes – from appetizers to desserts – and photos on the day of the event. Non-vegans welcome as long as they prepare a cruelty- and animal-free dish.”

I’m not vegan however like I said earlier, I try as much as I can to include vegan foods in my life. Especially for snacks and desserts! So here I introduce to you another vegan recipe – this time it’s a banana bread recipe.

I love that we found a whole big box of strawberries on sale at Costco. Fresh berries go super fast in our household. Well, my parents, that is. You see, I’m now on summer break. I had a week off of everything to do whatever the heck I wanted and now on Tuesday I am starting a marketing internship at a daily deals company called Brownhub.

Anyway, I haven’t made any loaf recipes because I don’t have a loaf pan in my apartment. Since I’m in my parents house for a few days, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to put the loaf pan to a good use.

And good use, it was. This bread is so moist and delicious and it makes the whole kitchen deliciously fragnant of strawberries and bananas. Such a delightful scent. While I used honey for this recipe, you can easily sub this for agave to keep it strictly vegan. I’ve read a bit about the controversy with honey, I’ve read both arguments. However, my parents do not have any agave so the choice of honey was a given for this situation. Plus I like it, and I’m not vegan.

Enjoy your virtual vegan potluck, readers!

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What I Ate Wednesdays #6: Summer is here!

Yes, summer is finally here. I am officially done with my Junior year of college as of last Thursday. I decided to take a whole week off to do nothing – therefore I came to my parents’ house in the suburbs for a few days. So then, finally, my WIAW looks a bit different than usual. And I think that’s a good thing – I needed variety in my life. My daily eats have been looking boring lately. Well, not like this time they are, like, super exciting or fancy or anything… but the whole day looks different from what I’ve been doing lately.

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Beautiful day for strawberries

We bought a box of strawberries yesterday at Trader Joe’s and today I decided to treat myself to a delicious breakfast. Yeah, I eat sweet foods all the time, so what I had for breakfast you could easily have as dessert.


I take a cup of 2% cottage cheese, slice up some fresh strawberries and add a bunch of raw honey. Deliciousness with a lot of protein and vitamin C! I love me some protein πŸ™‚ I try to eat some at every meal.


Anyways, I’m so glad this week is spring break. Not only am I in the suburbs at my parents’ house all week, it’s also unseasonably warm. I spent most of today sitting outside in our backyard and reading while wearing a TANK TOP and capris. I even might have gotten a little color.. ahh, actually who am I kidding. I’d lay out for hours in the sun and I’d only end up maybe a little red. It’d all go away within a day anyways. But it felt good and I was definitely starved for some Vitamin D. Seasonal affective disorder has been becoming quite a bit more known to my presence this year.


I love seeing flowers bloom! Spring is most definitely here early and I’m loving it!