What I Ate Wednesday #14 and packages!

Hello everyone! It’s another WIAW, how exciting! Thanks to Jen for hosting this awesome linky party! Again, the theme for July includes food AND fitness! I am also going to include some stuff that finally came to my house via mail that I ordered. Because I get excited when I get packages and I like to write about it – you know this!

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Recent finds from TJ’s, Whole Foods, and TJ Maxx

I have gone grocery shopping on three separate occassions this week (as opposed to one or two). First, I went to Trader Joe’s to stock up on some staples but also picked up some new things. Then I went to Whole Foods to get some stuff for my foodie pen pal and got some new products for myself too. And then finally, I also made a trip to TJ Maxx to check out what new products they have in store. Here’s some of the new things I bought:

I ran out of cinnamon (Whole Foods) because I almost eat it by the spoonful, haha. Then I found some recipes that call for garlic powder (TJ’s) and basil (TJ Maxx for $3.99) so I got that too, I’m trying to make more “grown up” meals, not just sweet treats so I need more grown up spices too. My mom uses Turmeric (Whole Foods) in eggs and when sauteeing onions and it gives them a great flavor, plus it is super good for you. I decided to follow suit.

From Trader Joe’s, I got The Chunky Spicy Guacamole (yummy! and only 40 cal per 2 Tbsp), Nonfat cottage cheese and these Mahi Mahi burgers that Katie was talking about. You’re right, Katie, those rock!

From Whole Foods, I got a bunch of stuff for myself! Every trip there is so exciting, too bad most of the stuff is out of my price range though. Anyway, I was amazed at the variety of pastas they have there — I’m trying to include more pastas into my life because I’m truthfully pretty terrified of eating them but this Quinoa Pasta elbows looks awesome! I’m excited to try it out and I already know what recipe I’m using it for. I also decided to finally give in and buy a packet of Justin’s nut butter – chocolate hazelnut baby. We’ll see how similar it tastes to Nutella. Then I fond Arrowhead Mills Organic Sprouted Wheat Flour which is AWESOME because whole wheat flour is still highly processed and sprouted is always better for you 🙂 Great find. Finally, I found this Fat Flush Plan 100% flourless tortillas which are sprouted again and only 80 calories per tortilla. Perfect! They taste really good too!

My TJ Maxx trip was a bit more disappointing than I expected. I really wanted to find another cute ramekin to add to the one I already have but I didn’t find ANY at this store. I did manage to score these Bare Fruit Apple chips for $1.99 which are 100% organic and bake-dried. Then I found this adorable mug which I am planning on using as a ramekin anyway (versatility! and it’s just as big as my ramekin, so ha!) then I was happy to find these 90 degree shorts for my (hopefully) future outdoor jogs and runs and a medium resistance tubing. The light one I have from ChaLean Extreme’s program is already too easy for me. Gotta step it up 🙂

Hope you guys have a great rest of your Sunday!

Question of the day:

  • What’s your favorite thing you bought this week?