Raspberry Mint Yogurt Bites

My parents’ garden is filled with raspberries. I love how easily they want to grow. Every day there is a ton of new ones ripening and they are simply delicious! No pesticides here, oh no. Why would we want to sacrifice taste to make sure a fruit is bug-free? Who cares if there’s a bug in there or if the raspberries come out big or small? I think flavor is what really matters in a delicious fruit.

Take non-organic strawberries for example – they barely taste like anything. Regular strawberries seem to have no flavor to me, similarly to many other berries as well as cherries. But try an organic berry and your world will be blown. The flavor is so intense and complex it simply bursts in your mouth and your tastebuds dance in joy as they have never danced before! Now that’s a celebration of fresh fruit!

Combining raspberries with fresh mint leaves seemed like a great idea. Adding yogurt to the mix, similarly how I did with the chocolate-covered yogurt bites a while back was the basis for the creation. This delicious snack does a great job at cooling you down on a hot summer day all while delivering important antioxidants and protein from the yogurt.

Gotta love quick (kinda) and easy summer desserts. This is why summer is my favorite. Nothing in the world beats fresh home berries. Yum!

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Strawberry Kiwi Quinoa Muffins

The other day, I went ahead and visited a nearby Farmer’s Market. I’ve been dying to check it out from all that you guys talk about how awesome they are – and how much cheaper all of the produce is! Unfortunately, as I talked about yesterday, the prices were not very competitive, they were actually quite a bit higher than I expected them to be. Not horrible of course, but higher than I thought. Plus there wasn’t as much stuff there as I expected to find either.

I did however find some amazingly flavorful organic strawberries. I paid $6 for a pint and I was in heaven – the flavor of these babies was just as good as the strawberries I remember from Poland. So much flavor in every bite, this sweetness, the delicate tartness… oh man, I just love berries. So much!

I had some kiwi left over from my recent grocery trip and I’ve been getting tired of eating them by themselves. So after mixing and matching with ideas and what I’ve seen all around I put all of the stuff I had together, including the unopened box of Quinoa flakes.

Strawberries, kiwi, and quinoa flakes. I bought the quinoa flakes 2 months ago because I found a cool recipe for it. But you know, what else is new, I lost the recipe. So the box has been sitting there unopened ever since. Until now, that is 🙂 When these muffins were baking the whole apartment was filled with the aroma of strawberries and kefir. Such a nice fragnant scent.

I enjoyed a muffin with a glass of strawberry banana protein shake post workout 🙂

Oh no, a strawberry is drowning!

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Chocolate Chia Pudding + SweetLeaf Stevia

Today I am sharing something that tastes so indulgent but is actually really good for you. Don’t you love those treats? They are just the best. I sometimes get random night cravings – they suck. I’ll eat perfectly well all day but then as soon as night hits, I get cravings. It might be partially because I start getting bored – and food thoughts creep into my mind. So sometimes I ignore them successfully. However, sometimes they are so loud, I am unable to. I must satisfy that darn craving. Chocolate.

So why not satisfy it guit-free? Chocolate pudding. You could make the Chocolate Pudding with avocado. That one is delicious… but you don’t always have avocado on hand. So then you could make something else – chocolate chia pudding. Chia has wonderful properties which soak up the liquid they are in, making it into a gel/pudding consistency. This one was simply perfect.

Plus it was perfect for the new Chocolate SweetLeaf Stevia liquid drops I got in the mail recently. Good way to try them out, they were the perfect addition to this recipe. By the way, I was pretty excited when I got this in the mail – I got both the chocolate and root beer flavors. I’m psyched for the chocolate – it gives the perfect chocolatey flavor with sweetness of stevia. I’m totally sold on liquid stevia products by SweetLeaf – they don’t leave a weird aftertaste and taste delicious.

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Chocolate Chip Cookie Protein Pancakes

I can’t believe I haven’t made pancakes before starting this blog. I feel so ashamed. I feel like I’ve been missing out on SO much! I normally treated pancakes as a dessert breakfast simply because I would only get it when I went out for breakfast/brunch (if that) because I know they aren’t exactly the healthiest thing on the menu. Quite the opposite, pancakes tend to be pretty bad for you. But since I made my oatmeal pancake.. oh my gosh, I’ve been all about pancakes! Amazing.
Especially the recipe I’m sharing with you today. It seriously feels so sinful. Yes, it isn’t the lightest breakfast – but it is good for you! Especially after a morning weight training session! Gotta refuel these muscles. Also, you are able to eat pretty much anything after working out intensely as your body will just absorb its benefits and you won’t likely gain weight. So… hello chocolate!
This recipe made me two large-ish pancakes. I couldn’t even finish it, it was so filling.
They taste like chocolate chip cookies. And I’m not just saying that for fun.
They REALLY taste like chocolate chip cookies! Plus they are VEGAN!
I’ve been really trying to incorporate veganism as much into my life as I can.
Yeah, the topping isn’t vegan BUT I have been eating much less yogurt and eggs already – go me!
By the way, I’ll be participating in Virtual Vegan Potluck by the Unrefined Vegan. Check it out 🙂 Deadline is April 30th.
(healthy) dessert for breakfast? Please and thank you.