What I Ate Wednesdays #4

I want to begin by saying I am done with my vegan challenge. What have I learned? I will limit my dairy intake. I didn’t realize how much dairy I consumed until I wasn’t allowed to have it. I also realized how difficult it is to actually be vegan because of the hidden animal-byproducts in so many packaged products! Aside from that, being vegan wasn’t exactly difficult. I ate more veggies and I plan to continue eating more now. I didn’t feel deprived. I liked it, however I don’t think my body liked it very much because of the increased anxiety I’ve been feeling this week. Sigh. Lessons have been learned though and that’s all that matters! 🙂

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Chocolate Protein Oatmeal

I read somewhere recently that one of the only times you can literally eat whatever you want is after an intense workout. They even recommended to eat chocolate. I’d love to link the article but I have no idea where it is now. The information really stuck though. So I thought, what better way to refuel after a morning weight training session than with oatmeal and chocolate? Not to mention the delicious protein your muscles crave.

I usually make my oatmeal in the microwave but after making them on the stove, I think I am sold. They come out so creamy and delicious – so much better than from the microwave. My parents had a point when they decided to throw their microwave out – that thing is not comparable to the stove at all… or at least, not when making oatmeal!

Chocolate. Protein. Oatmeal. Vegan. No sugar added. What can be better?

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Oatmeal-Raisin Breakfast Cookies

Time to get into the vegan mindset. I am doing a vegan challenge starting Monday and I am therefore prepping myself up for it. I have already finished my greek yogurt and I’m gonna have the last of my egg whites tomorrow.

I’ve been looking for different recipes to use during the vegan week. Am I completely prepared? No. But that’s okay. I’m excited to start! I decided to make some quick breakfasts ready and what better way to start your day than with a cookie? Exactly. Such a perfect decision. Especially when that cookie is also low calorie!

I love me a healthy cookie!

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